Tomorrow starts the month of August, which mean’s it’s Web Serial Writing Month, aka WeSeWriMo, as organized by the wonderful folks at EpiGuide.
It means that Daron’s Guitar Chronicles will be posting 3 times a week in August regardless of Tip Jar status! And I’ll still make an ADDITIONAL post per week for each time donations exceed $50… so who knows? Maybe some weeks there will be FOUR posts! In fact, in some weeks there could be five, since I’ll also be trying to post not one but TWO liner notes this month.
Something I’ve also been trying to get to for MONTHS is the bonus stories you all earned about Ziggy, Jonathan, and Colin. The novel I’ve been under contract for (Slow Satisfaction) just went to the publisher (YAYY!!!!) and now I can finally get to writing those stories! I’ll be working them into the posting schedule as soon as I have something to share.
It all kicks off tomorrow! Happy WeSeWriMo everyone!
Hurrah for August! and congrats on getting your newest novel finished. I’m looking forward to reading it.
Thank goodness, it’s WESEWRIMO. You’ve got tension ratcheted up sky high, Cecilia.
OMG but now I have to write more. And here I am at a conference in Philadelphia and I haven’t written Saturday’s chapter yet. Haha! Oh and actually Slow Satisfction isn’t done yet either. I *thought* it was done, then realized it needed one more sex scene, went and put that in, but now I have to completely rewrite the climax last chapter. Aaaahhh!!!
Aaaaaahhhh!!!!! But at least it’s a climax! That should be fun 😉 . Funny how this writing thing snowballs. Good luck on it. You can always sleep in September, right?
OMG I know. This week the Slow Surrender paperback comes out and I have a ton of promo stuff I have to do for that, too! Eek! I need 30 hours in the day, at least.