Transaction Results

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If you purchased a downloadable product, you should see your unique link for your download(s) right below this:


Your receipt email will also include the unique download link, which will be sent to the email associated with your Paypal address. The link is only good for 24 hours so download your product right away, OK?

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-ctan (and daron)


  • Ranjini murali says:


    I’d bought three books of the guitar chronicles but haven’t recieved a downloadable link, either at the end of the PayPal transaction or in my inbox. Where can I download the volumes I bought?

    Thanks for writing this series. I’m really enjoying reading it!

    • daron says:

      Thanks, Ranjini! Hit us up at either ctan.writer @ gmail dot com or daron.moondog @ gmail dot com with any questions about orders. (I already emailed you so this messages is mostly for future folks to see…)

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