Character Overview
This callout is for characters who play smaller roles in DGC – mostly introduced via other more significant characters .
Initial Callout
Antonio Reyes is hired as security personnel for Moondog Three after problems arise on tour.
Lacey Montaigne
Lacey Montaign is a supermodel who starts dating Christian after a photoshoot. Her real name is Karen.
Upstairs neighbors
Jerry and Robert are the upstairs neighbors of Daron and Jonathon. The first committed gay couple that knowingly Daron meets.
Sanders, thanks for taking this on. Great work wrangling the fans!
Amanda actually wrangled the casting calls, while Sanders handled the other fanworks this summer. Big thanks to them both!
Like ctan said, the Casting Calls have been all Amanda, and she has been Ah-may-zing.
The various casting choices have been so fun to see, especially in the ways we visualize some of the characters so differently even when we’re working from the same textual descriptions.
I loved doing the casting calls! There were so many great choices 🙂
It was also fun reading all the other stories and entries over the break. Thanks for being so wonderful to play with Sanders \0/
… and thanks Steph for your great research work too!!!