Author Archives: ctan

646. Don’t Get Me Wrong

(Welcome to September! We’re back on our Tuesday/Thursday posting schedule! And don’t forget the deadline for the meme contest —click for details— is September 9th! -ctan) — So the thing about live music is that it’s live. It’s not always predictable. And shit happens. A cracked toilet at the venue makes a flood that shorts […]

635. State Farm

(DGC News: Daron’s Guitar Chronicles volume 7 ebook is now live for pre-order. Amazon: | Smashwords: | Daron & ctan will livechat on August 4th to celebrate. RSVP on FB.) — I did nothing much on our day off in Indianapolis. I finally got to sleep and I slept several hours, and then […]

632. Sonic Youth

Bart drove me back to Worcester in time to meet the bus to Hartford, and then tagged along on the bus on the way there. We had a lot of downtime that afternoon before they were actually ready for us to check sound, so me and Bart and Charlie worked on a rendition of “For […]

631. Personal Jesus

Then we had another day off. This time we went to Boston, where Carynne had cozied up to the Lyons brothers, so we were given the VIP treatment, by which I mean we had access to the VIP room at the Citi Club. I hadn’t quite realized it, but I guess Citi was trying to […]

630. Joy Division

The next night we played the Centrum again. Clarice and Fran smuggled me into their dressing room so we could do vocal warmups in the immense sports-team sized shower they had. Because, yes, everyone sounds better in the shower. “M.D. got some range,” Clarice said when we were done. My range wasn’t especially good: my […]