Author Archives: ziggy

482. Ziggy’s Diary: 10

I’ve lost count of the days. I think we’ve been here three weeks? A month? I should have written every day and then it would be easy to count. But I’ve been living the experience. That’s more important than recording it. Had to write about this though. We had a field trip today to a […]

479. Ziggy’s Diary: 7

Everyone who’s here met the guru in either L.A. or London. I find myself fascinated with his accent and his manner of speaking. In the States the more sophisticated the topic of your speech is, the more refined your accent is. That’s just how it is. But when Veddy speaks, there’s a twist–because of course […]

478. Ziggy’s Diary: 6

Kali’s Revenge got Jenn today. Maybe she was already feeling ill which was why she didn’t like the food. She won’t be eating anything for a few days anyway, other than rice gruel and tea. The important thing about the tea is they boil the water so you know it’s clean.

476. Ziggy’s Diary: 4

I’m tired. Sleepy. This is the craziest jet leg ever. It’s like my eyes try to shut and my body slumps over right in the middle of a sentence. Of course this makes meditation impossible. I end up curled up on the floor like a cat, snoozing away. This is probably not advancing my spiritual […]

475. Ziggy’s Diary: 3

Well, Diary, we made it to the swami’s place in the city. Guess what? This place is unbelievably filthy and we go everywhere barefoot but that’s because, they say, it’s even dirtier outside. So we left our shoes at the door. We left our clothes, our bags, pretty much everything. We’re all swathed up like […]