Rebecca (last name unknown)
Bart’s mother. AKA Becky Daylily. First mention: DGC Extra: Hallelujah: Bart’s Christmas Story
Bart’s mother. AKA Becky Daylily. First mention: DGC Extra: Hallelujah: Bart’s Christmas Story
Front desk worker at physical therapy complex in Boston. First appearance: Chapter 904
Sound lead. Part of crew for Moondog Three headlining tour. First appearance: Chapter 243
Drummer for Thrash Rat Brigade. First appearance: Chapter 91
Remo Cutler grew up in St. Louis, left school to start working at age 16, and hitch hiked to New York City. Founder, lead singer, guitarist, and songwriter of American roots rock group Nomad. First appearance: Chapter 3
Big daytime star. First mention: Chapter 550
Officious female clerk at Tennessee airport rental counter. First appearance: Chapter 1034
Reporter for Bay Area Music (BAM). First appearance: Chapter 664
Cable news reporter at fundraising gala in Hollywood. First appearance: Chapter 437
Reporter at the Wenco offices press conference. First appearance: Chapter 669