Author Archives: ctan

574. Success

I cried through most of my next therapy appointment. That isn’t as bad as it sounds. They were basically tears of relief. Even though Ziggy and I hadn’t really resolved anything, somehow, my heart still felt better about everything. Some kind of weight had been lifted. Or something. It’s my inability to make a good […]

Liner Note #44: October 2014

Whoops, I missed September’s liner note entirely. It’s been kinda busy. I do have some site news to catch you all up on, though, regarding Daron’s Guitar Chronicles and related stuff: 1) Livejournal mirror works again. — Turns out the WP to Twitter plugin I installed when I upgraded WP somehow broke the LJ plugin, […]

571. What I Am

We went into the studio. The feeling of calm that having him in my arms gave me–quieting the annoying part of my brain that cried like a lonely puppy whenever he wasn’t there–gave way to the unsettled feeling of walking across unknown terrain. Except writing together was familiar enough ground, wasn’t it? Not when I […]

568. L.A. Woman

I looked up on the map where the place was that I was supposed to meet Zig. Then I paged Antonio. He called back quickly and I grilled him. “Okay, so where are you and what should I be wearing when I show up?” “It’s a kind of publicity stunt party for Gallani Gilliman,” Tony […]

565. Can’t Be Sure

We put some clothes on and sat side by side on Remo’s white leather sectional, drinking the juice. I’d added ice cubes now to freshen it up. Ziggy looked around. “So this is your home away from home,” he said. “I guess…? There’s a recording studio on the other side of the swimming pool.”

561. I Go To Extremes

(News: On Monday we will start an “official” re-read of Daron’s Guitar Chronicles on Wattpad! Posts #1-30 are live already over there, people are leaving comments on those chapters, please join in! And on Sept 15, we’ll officially begin posting new chapters daily from #31 until we’re caught up! -ctan) — What ensued was a […]