Author Archives: ctan

614. How Can You Expect To Be Taken Seriously?

(If you haven’t had a chance to go upvote DGC vol 4, now being serialized on Wattpad, go on over there and click that star icon, please? -ctan) — Nomad moved to a bigger rehearsal space the week before hitting the road. The new place was a former airplane hangar/movie soundstage on the edge of […]

612. Blue Hotel

Ziggy and I rendezvoused that Sunday, our “day off,” at the same hotel in the middle of nowhere as earlier in the week. When I got to the room I realized it was a different one. I said something witty and observant like: “Hey, this is a different room.” “Course it is,” he said, stripping […]

611. I Saw Red

The next day in rehearsal we were working on a new song Remo had written called “Kind.” The turn in the song goes from about being “kind” i.e. nice to about being two of a kind, i.e. the same sort of people. In other words it’s about two people who start out as friends (or […]

609. Baby Baby

(Site news: did you see all the fanworks were posted on Saturday? There is fan art, fan fiction, audio of a song, song lyrics, and a fantastic fanmix/Youtube playlist, and a ton of memes. Please go leave comments for your fellow fans if you enjoy what you see/hear! The directory is a new permanent page […]

Fanworks: Memes

There were enough of these that I think I may have lost a few along the way…! If you sent one in and you don’t see it here, send it again please? (Email to ctan.writer AT And I’ll continue to add more as they come in!

Fanworks: Fiction: Lost Weekend by Chris

Title: Lost Weekend: Daytona Beach Pier Author: Chris Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Ziggy/Original Female Character Word Count: 7217 Summary: It’s Spring Break and two college co-eds aren’t quite sure what they’re in for in Daytona Beach.

Fanworks: Fiction: “Nobody But Us” by Chris

Title: Nobody But Us Author: Chris Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Ziggy/Jonathan/Daron, Ziggy/Jonathan Word Count: 4247 Summary: A continuation of chapter 152, from Ziggy’s point of view. With one section of the original text in Daron’s POV woven in. Note: In true DGC fashion, Chris has included a video for the end.