Author Archives: ctan

Fanworks: Art: Ziggy, Daron separately by Amy Crook

These are a little older but some of you might have missed when they were posted in Liner Notes. Working on something to celebrate Ziggy's return to #dgc #amdrawing #fanart A photo posted by Amy Crook (@amysnotdeadyet) on Jun 12, 2014 at 4:26pm PDT And the finished product:

Fanworks: Song Lyrics: Pleasured Pain by Chris Cox

Chris Cox sent this set of song lyrics in with the comment “Ziggy wrote it.” “Pleasured Pain” Barbed wire wrapped around my soul Cuts so deep Pain so sweet. Biting deeper the more I struggle. It’s a game A game of pain And pleasure. Please untangle me. Let me bleed to death It’s the merciful […]

Fanworks: DGC YouTube Playlist by Sanders

Sanders sent me this playlist when it was about 65 songs long, I think, and since then it has grown to 76 songs, with the following note: “There are roughly nine million things I want to say about this, starting with ‘It’s not finished!’ and ‘Curating a mix on YouTube sucks; give me a double […]

Liner Note #46: February 2015

In this post! Cover reveal for DGC Volume Seven! Fanworks reminder! We discuss taglines! More pop singers who came out! Cool music! And more! ctan: So, both of us have bad enough time sense that here it is the middle of February 2015 and this is January’s liner note. Daron: Oops. ctan: Meanwhile, in the […]

600. The Way You Do The Things You Do

Jordan chased me out of the kitchen area when my hand shook holding the kitchen knife while I was trying to help him make dinner. He put me on a barstool on the far side of the peninsula of countertop that delineated where kitchen ended and living room began. He was wearing goggles over his […]

599. Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll

My suspicions that New Year’s Eve could turn into a drug-fest were borne out in spectacular fashion, by which I mean absolutely everyone I knew there except Christian, who appointed himself our babysitter, and Tony, who was already Ziggy’s designated watchdog, ended up on ecstasy or acid or both. Jordan, Sarah, Courtney, Carynne, Ziggy, everyone. […]

597. A Little Love

So the big thing that happened at dinner was not that Courtney embarrassed the hell out of me, though she did. We were seated at a long banquet table, in a private dining room with a private Christmas tree. (Though I think it was a coincidence that all the ornaments were musical instruments, singing angels, […]

596. My Best Friend’s Girl

Melissa was very blond and very, very pregnant. I found her in the suite with most of everyone else, including Martin, who had his ear pressed to her swollen stomach. He pulled back suddenly. “Ow! He kicked me!” “Do you know if it’s a boy?” Alan asked. Melissa shook her head. “We don’t know for […]