Author Archives: ctan

New ebook is live! DGC Volume 6!

I know I said I was originally going to release this on January 5. Then I realized I’m going to be on vacation in Disney World that day. Aha. Fortunately my proofreader finished quickly, so I bumped the release day up to December 29th! Which is today! Book Six should now be live on both […]

590. Groove Is In The Heart

When you come from the New York area, you grow up learning a certain disdain of tourists. So it was distinctly weird to be staying in a hotel in the city for an honest-to-god vacation. It really hadn’t sunk in for me that we’d be playing tourist in what was, really, kind of our hometown. […]

588. My Prerogative

I was still having nightmares and annoying dreams. Ziggy wasn’t in all of them, but he was in most. There was one where me and Bart and Colin were in a boat, rowing from an island to the shore and we were taking turns rowing but we never got where we were going. I woke […]

586. Running in the Family

“What do you mean you’re not coming to New York?” Carynne knocked me on the head with her sharp, little knuckles. “That’s what I’m trying to get through your thick skull. I’m going to Maine.” “Maine.” We were sitting in the Vietnamese noodle place near the house, having each consumed a bowl of soup bigger […]

585. PART FOURTEEN: December 1990: Love Shack

I went home. To Allston, I mean. But as I may or may not have established before, I’m terrible at being home. The problem with defining one’s self by what you DO instead of by where you’re FROM is that home becomes this really fraught concept… Maybe I shouldn’t generalize. Maybe it’s only like that […]