Tag Archives: chris

728. Hard to Handle

Trying to find the right moment to ask Colin whether he was coming with us to South America turned out to be more difficult than I expected. Eventually one day when Christian and I were engaging in the practice of moving iron around, I asked him about it. “So I want to ask Colin whether […]

727. Little Fluffy Clouds

The whole Boston-based crew–me, Carynne, Chris, Bart, Bradley, and Courtney–went north for the July 4th vacation week. Ziggy stayed in the city and said goodbye to me with an enthusiasm for the experience of being apart that I think I was finally starting to understand. Now that I was no longer terrified that while we […]

585. PART FOURTEEN: December 1990: Love Shack

I went home. To Allston, I mean. But as I may or may not have established before, I’m terrible at being home. The problem with defining one’s self by what you DO instead of by where you’re FROM is that home becomes this really fraught concept… Maybe I shouldn’t generalize. Maybe it’s only like that […]

521. Relax (Don’t Do It)

(Kickstarter ends tomorrow! Last chance at the cool swag, Colin/Daron bonus scene, etc! It all ends at 12noon eastern tomorrow! Also remember I’ll count any Paypal donations made by then to the final total, too! Right now we’re at $4,412, which means only $589 from unlocking ALL the stretch goals! Click to donate: http://kck.st/R31kCx -ctan) […]

518. Social Distortion

(Tonight is the live video chat! Join me on ustream from 8-10p eastern US time to talk about Daron and how the Kickstarter is going! Have you chipped in yet? Link: http://kck.st/R31kCx -ctan) — It was a little unfair for me to spring a rehearsal on Bart and Chris like that. I think I expected […]

517. Chant No. 1 (I Don’t Like This Pressure On)

There’s a moment in one of Shakespeare’s plays–maybe more than one, they blend together in my head–where a guy gets stabbed and then he has to comment on the fact that he’s just taken a knife to the gut and what it feels like. I don’t actually remember what he says, but it was one […]

414. Trouble Me

I had been to Bart’s parents’ Cape house before, when they weren’t there. What’s funny is that I had forgotten what it looked like. I had convinced myself it was a split-level, with a large deck in the back. I later figured out that in my head I had transposed some other rich family’s Cape […]