Tag Archives: ziggy

658. Gone Daddy Gone

(Wrapping up the Amazon reviews campaign: if we can get just THREE more reviews for Volume 3 and four reviews for Volume 7 by Monday at midnight, I’ll release the bonus scene on Wednesday. Dunno why vols 4-5-6 lagged, but they’re all in double digits now so I figure that’s very respectable. Thank you everyone […]

650. Dog Eat Dog

(Site news: If you didn’t read the news yet about the DGC Amazon review campaign and how to get your copy of the much-wanted Daron-Colin-Ziggy scene, go check it out here: https://daron.ceciliatan.com/?p=4418. Meanwhile, meme contest ended last night at midnight eastern! Congrats to Lena who won the $25 Amazon gift card and some DGC swag […]

649. Until She Comes

(Make sure you’ve read Saturday’s post before you read today’s, in case you were away over the weekend…! And look below for news about the threesome everyone’s been asking about…) We had room service because I was not ready to face other humans and I also wasn’t ready to face not being in the same […]