Tag Archives: ziggy

642. Ready, Steady, Go

(The DGC book 7 ebook releases today!! Get it on Amazon, B&N, or Smashwords, and join us tonight for book chats! 8-9pm eastern right here on the DGC Site Chat Room and then 9-10pm on the Cecilia Tan YouTube Channel! Post your questions for Daron or me below! -ctan) — The oh-my-god-what-ARE-we-going-to-play panic finally hit […]

641. Too Much Too Young

(Site glitches fixed! Turns out the disk in the web server was dying and that’s why new comments wouldn’t take. Please go back and comment now on Sanders’ brilliant Ziggy fic from last week: A Little Normal -ctan) — Apparently I get Tempe and Tucson mixed up. Tucson I had heard was an artsy little […]

630. Joy Division

The next night we played the Centrum again. Clarice and Fran smuggled me into their dressing room so we could do vocal warmups in the immense sports-team sized shower they had. Because, yes, everyone sounds better in the shower. “M.D. got some range,” Clarice said when we were done. My range wasn’t especially good: my […]

612. Blue Hotel

Ziggy and I rendezvoused that Sunday, our “day off,” at the same hotel in the middle of nowhere as earlier in the week. When I got to the room I realized it was a different one. I said something witty and observant like: “Hey, this is a different room.” “Course it is,” he said, stripping […]

607. All Mixed Up

I paged Ziggy from home one night and then sat there without taking my eyes off the phone while fucking around with an instrumental I’d been working on. Later I had a pretty good song worked out and the image of the white plastic cordless phone burned into my retina. I just about jumped out […]