Tag Archives: ziggy

222. I Will Follow

Chris drove, I rode, which was a good thing since I still hadn’t really figured out the best way to get to the rehearsal space yet. “When are you buying a car?” he asked, while we sat in traffic at some intersection I didn’t recognize. Chris hadn’t figured out the best way to get there […]

177. Get Off My Cloud

So we got to see more of Boulder than we otherwise would have. That afternoon Bart and Chris and I had lunch and wandered around the pedestrian mall in the center of town, poking around stores selling nifty Western minerals and kites and mountaineering gear. In a bookstore we saw our publicity photo was on […]

163. Instant Karma

I had just hung up the phone and was exploring the extra-large bathtub in the suite’s bathroom–it had some kind of jets–when I heard the door open. Ziggy came in and threw himself down on the king-size bed. “Tired?” I asked as I paused in the doorway from the bathroom, my voice neutral. He threw […]