Tag Archives: ziggy

774. Things That Make You Go Hmmm

Remember how the crowd had seemed extra excited, extra loud, extra into it, the first show we did after the explosion? This was like that. Our usual entry to the stage had Remo come out last. The rhythm section would start first, and gradually each of us would kick in, me last with a recognizable […]

770. Pleasure and Pain

I ended up seeing Sarah’s doctor, because that was faster and a better idea than sitting around in some New York City emergency room waiting to be seen for a non-emergency. He confirmed I probably had a concussion and said the main thing to do was to avoid things that might aggravate it, including hitting […]

764. Something to Talk About

When I woke up I had a moment of disorientation for two reasons, one, because I slept so hard at Ziggy’s (and therefore forgot I was at Ziggy’s) and two because somehow we ended up sleeping across the bed instead of the normal direction. Once I got past my moment of where-the-fuck-am-I, though, I felt […]

754. Weird Science

(Sorry for the late post! Here’s hoping it goes through…! -ctan) One of Flip’s great talents was his hangover cures. He knew how to cure every kind of excess, not just booze, including too much playing, too much singing, too much of any kind of drug, et cetera. You know what happens when you squeeze […]

Orlando Fanwork: Art by Amy

Any thoughts on what Ziggy’s wand would be made of? Daron’s would clearly have a core of guitar string 😉 (A note about the Orlando fanworks & fanworks submitted earlier in the year. I apologize for how long it’s taking to get them posted. I hadn’t counted on traveling taking up July in the way […]

737. True Faith

Ziggy and I didn’t have sex for like a week. This is significant because I felt I was holding out for something but I wasn’t sure what, and he was obviously holding back, too, because when have you ever known Ziggy not to make a move in an entire week? I think we were both […]