Tag Archives: ziggy

736. More

(See bottom of post for info on a special fanworks call…) Jordan Travers dropped by the next day while Ziggy was there and hung around for about an hour. He’d freshly shorn down his hair and was looking sharp overall. We hobnobbed. Three important things were conveyed in the course of the hobnobbing. One, Jordan […]

730. Miss Freelove ’69

It was just me, Chris, and Courtney from the Allston house, and we picked up Bart in the van. Carynne and Bradley were getting back to the city on their own schedule–in fact maybe they’d already left a day or two earlier. I don’t remember. It was a Sunday night so there wasn’t much traffic […]

728. Hard to Handle

Trying to find the right moment to ask Colin whether he was coming with us to South America turned out to be more difficult than I expected. Eventually one day when Christian and I were engaging in the practice of moving iron around, I asked him about it. “So I want to ask Colin whether […]

713. Man in the Box

(Kickstarter is live and already 35% of the way to reaching our minimum! Check it out and tell your friends: http://kck.st/1RFanDN) — One of the things that sucks the most about things sucking is that the suck is contagious. Outer suckitude eats away at the walls holding back the inner suck. At least, that’s how […]

708. Dogs of Lust

We slept in, had a late brunch at the little place Ziggy liked, did some shopping, met Bart and Chris for dinner, scrapped plans to go to another live musc show, and ended up at Limelight. Well no, actually, Limelight was just another stop on the way to Jordan’s loft once again, with about a […]