Tag Archives: ziggy

707. Sweet Dreams

I don’t smoke and I never liked cigarettes. I think one reason I was never tempted to smoke despite my desperate teenage attempts to fit in was that I associated smoking with my parents being stresspuppies. They chain-smoked while they fought. I form associations easily, though, and the way cigarette smoke smells when it’s leaching […]

706. All Together Now

(Another Saturday bonus post! Want to do it again? Click here to give. Thank you everyone for your support! -ctan) — After getting Bart and Chris’s suitcases settled at a hotel, we went over to the rehearsal space to check it out. Sarah’s team had been using it before we moved in, but it still […]

Feb Fanworks: Flesh For Fantasy by Chris

Fanworks challenge submission #2, by Chris, featuring Daron/Ziggy/Colin. Delicious. *** Daron usually tells our story. Yes, it’s our story, not just his. We’re all in this together, even when we’re physically apart. When Daron told his fantasy about a three way with Colin, I don’t expect that he thought I’d read it. Well I did. […]

701. Haven’t Got a Clue

So the call went out among our contacts that I was going to be holding auditions for drummers in New York. But we still hadn’t made any firm decisions about the rest of the instrumentation. Horns? Backing singers? Auxiliary percussion? I wasn’t going to make those decisions without talking to Ziggy and Barrett again, now […]

690. How Much Is Enough

Okay. Here’s something that happened in New York that wasn’t a meeting. That night, after we’d eaten, and danced, and drank, and fucked, we were lying side by side in Ziggy’s living room bed, listening to the ambient rumble of wee-hours New York, and he said, “Couple of years ago?” “Mh-hm?” I thought he was […]

682. Don’t Box Me In

The guys had not left town. They’d crashed at Jordan’s and Jordan was playing host, therefore we caught up with them at Limelight–Carynne included. Bart had clued her in to what we’d done and so she came down to put her head together with Jordan and me to figure out what the fuck to do […]

679. I Still Believe

I managed to sleep a few more hours after that. Get tired enough and no matter how fucked up my life is and I will always beat insomnia eventually. It’s not always convenient when I do, but it wasn’t like I was on a schedule right then. “Hey,” Ziggy said when we were halfway through […]