Tag Archives: ziggy

375. Tower of Strength

I was the first one off the stage when we ended the regular set and I stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for the others. Ziggy came last and pretty much fell into my arms, limp and trembling with exhaustion. I hung onto him in the cacophony that was the crowd exhorting us […]

372. Peek-A-Boo

(I’m nearly done with the Colin/Ziggy bonus scene. It’s coming out longer than I expected! Remember, anyone who wants it, you can get it for a donation OR for helping out by reviewing/recommending DGC! Click for details in earlier post. The recent Daron/Jonathan bonus scene is also still available. If you need both, please just […]

370. Who Wants to be the Disco King

We ordered lunch delivered. It wasn’t worth causing a scene to go downstairs and eat in the 24-hour coffee shop. I still believed that Bart and I could’ve without attracting too much attention, but we were forbidden when Toph came back upstairs with the latest headcount on the crowd outside. I felt a little bad […]

367. Everybody Have Fun Tonight

I had figured we would go down to Houston–which, by the way, is pronounced How-stin, not like the city in Texas–and catch a cab, because that was what Antonio had been planning to do. But when we got to the corner, there happened to be a limo sitting there, the driver leaning against the door, […]

363. The Sweetest Thing

(Thanks for all the donations this week! They triggered this Saturday story post!) I hate six in the morning no matter which end of the day I see it on. Sunrise is not my time. I hated it even more, I think, because of how messed up I’d been on sleep all week. I had […]